HyperHang is a HyperCard™ based hangman game written by Jeffrey W. Hester. If you like HyperHang you are asked to register it by sending the author a postcard (with comments and/or suggestions if you have any). I guess you could say HyperHang is "postcard ware". Before getting started with HyperHang please notice just a few simple things:
1) HyperHang requires as a minimum HyperCard™ version 2.1.
2) The instructions for HyperHang are available on-line from within the program so there is no need of going over them here.
3) Please do not modify HyperHang. Although I have tried to "simply" lock out access to the scripts it is far from foolproof against you who are experts of HyperCard™ and HyperTalk™ or those who know how to get access to them. Feel free to examine the scripts but again PLEASE do not modify them nor HyperHang.
4) As mentioned above HyperHang is "postcard ware", if you like it please register by sending the author a postcard with any comments and/or suggestions. However, HyperHang may not be sold or included on any shareware or public domain disk which is sold without the author's written consent.
5) PLEASE include this Read Me file when you distribute HyperHang.
6) Although HyperHang has been thoroughly tested and should run on any machine with HyperCard v2.1 the author assumes no responsibility for its use.
7) Also by the same author ... Trivia Quest!, a shareware HyperCard™ based board trivia game. Check it out!!
Your entertainment is worth the time of writing HyperHang. I hope you enjoy it.